Volunteers In Public Schools (LRSD) is a registered and certified organization with the President's Volunteer Service Award. Volunteers serving the Little Rock School District are eligible for the annual recognition.
Parents, volunteers, and school staff may use the online report system to submit their personal volunteer service reports. The online system can be accessed from any computer connected to the internet and your service reports can be made at your convenience. For more information, contact our VIPS Coordinator Meghan Foster at [email protected] or 501-944-1094.
The Fulbright Dad’s Club is meant to be a way for fathers and father-figures to get involved with the school and build a stronger sense of community. The school calendar has many activities throughout the year that can benefit from having this group come together to volunteer our time and show our children the importance of working together. A focus I hope to bring to The Fulbright Dad’s Club this year is to organize a few events each semester to give us all a chance to get to know each other better. What we have planned for the Fall semester is: * As we have in the past, we will be serving the school by working the morning carpool line. I have really enjoyed getting to know the parents and kids better helping with morning carpool. We are always looking for help with morning carpool. You don’t need to sign-up, just show-up and help get the kids excited for the day.
* Donuts with Dad’s: On Friday September 29th and Friday October 27th, we ask that dads and other father-figures walk their children in to school from 7:00-7:30, and then enjoy donuts and time to meet each other out on the turf.
* Fulbright Dad’s Day at the Little Rock Zoo – one weekend afternoon this fall, we will plan a time to bring our kids to the Little Rock zoo for an afternoon of fun. The date and time will be announced soon.
Please reach out to me anytime with questions or suggestions at [email protected] or 501-416-2342.
Here at Fulbright, we believe RIF- Reading Is Fundamental! The National RIF program was created "to address the alarming literacy crisis in America today through strong leadership, quality content, and an active and engaged community." To put our own spin on this prestigious program, Fulbright's PTA provides a new book for every student in the school twice a year. The books are selected for their rich content, the students' interest in the topics/genres, and according to current reading abilities of the students. On our RIF days, the students get to come to the library, one class at a time, to hand-pick their own new book. The dates for this year's RIF are scheduled for October 27th and March 29th in the Fulbright Library. We need volunteers to help unpack, organize, and display the books, as well as assist students in finding books that might be of interest to them . If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Meg Green ([email protected]) or Whitney McLellan ([email protected]).